Workshops and Classes

Some Assembly Required...
Assemble your equipment the right way!
Saturday, February 8, 2025
10:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m.
UGA Extension Office (same location as monthly meetings)
Member only event. You may join at the event.
Join our own Steve Page for our first hands-on class of the year for new beekeepers (and old!). Learn how to assemble your hive boxes and frames/foundation the right way. Steve will show you the expert tips and tricks to assembling your woodenware so that your equipment is correctly assembled, safe and can withstand the use (and abuse) of day-to-day beekeeping.
You can bring a couple of boxes and frames or just come for instruction. You will not be assembling all of your equipment but you will leave the class confident that you can complete the assembly on your own. Steve will also have wax for sale if you need wax for your foundations.